Are you seeking improved health? Maybe you are looking to run a business to either supplement your income or turn into a new career to provide a living. Are you somebody who is looking to break status quo and change things in your life or in the world? Check out the many ways we might be a part of your pursuit of happiness by browsing our website and reading what others have to say about the rain business opportunity.

Start your business now and you will get:

  • Great unique product to heal and energize your body and improve health for you, your family and friends
  • Support and help to grow yourself and to grow your business
  • 7 ways to earn money
  • Your own website and personal back office

An Rain International business rewards you for selling products and helping others you sponsor to do the same. Your rewards grow with your business. You earn income from retail profit, monthly performance bonuses, monthly and annual leadership bonuses, and other cash and business incentives based on personal and group performance.
We support you by providing world-class business resources, such as customer support, business management, order management, training and motivation. From product-specific training, to business education, self-improvement training, and mentoring programs, you’ll have access to resources to help you build a successful Rain International business.
You’ll also enjoy the confidence of working with a supportive and trusted company that has been in business for years, and a strong community of experienced Rain International Business Owners who can help you every step of the way and support you in reaching your chosen goals.
Rain International offers outstanding training resources that can get you up to speed quickly. Choose from online or in-person training tailored to your specific learning preference. We provide the tools to help you start achieving your goals.
Rain International proactively raises public awareness of the company, business opportunity and our products. We support your independent business with national and local advertising, sponsorships, and events. You are never alone in the Rain International business.

Click here to become a Rain International Distributor

How We Get Paid

Our compensation plan was created by distributors for distributors, giving an ideal return on investment. With the highest rated plan in the industry and nine ways to get paid, there are seemingly endless opportunities. Weekly payouts, and a projected trillion-dollar industry makes now the perfect time to join us.

Our system is simple and proven:
Try products → commit to growth → launch your business → learn and grow

If you are willing to follow these four simple steps, the built in formula guarantees that success will follow. (Contact us so we can go through the full compensation plan with you or read this page for details of the 7 ways to get paid).


If you are ready to help impact the world, and change what people think they know about health nutrition, this is the place to start.

Proven in 15 markets across the world and growing
Number of people joining network marketing companies daily : 50k
Guaranteed payout on commission : 50%
Payment on retail sales : 30%
Poised to grow by 2016 : 300%
Projected industry growth by 2017 : $1 trillion

What Are You Waiting For?

Join us today and build your ideal life.


Click here to purchase products or to join the rain business opportunity and start your journey to a new lifestyle.